Microsoft's Kumo Search Engine

There has been a lot of buzz going on lately about Microsoft’s new search engine attempt. After the failed attempt at acquiring Yahoo earlier, Microsoft is still looking at making a dent at the all powerful Google market. So in order to do that….if you can out buy them…then you must out innovate them. Could it be that very soon digital marketing companies like Dojono could be tailoring their advice towards a brand new algorithm? Could we be seeing even more advanced search engine results that help us find the perfect answers to our questions faster? Could we be looking at a different SEO structure that Victorious and other groups will be considering in the near future?

So imagine my surprise this weekend as I am trying to get back into the swing of things with my blog and I come across the fact that the most number of hits from a particular source over my rolling 30 day period is from none other than…kumo.??? Interesting, to say the least. Of course, unless you are an insider at Microsoft you are not getting into the damn thing to take a look but it goes to show you that the Microsoft Cloud architecture that this thing is going to be sitting on is not sitting on its duff waiting for people to say..’Oh, come crawl my site please’.

It would be interesting to take a look at the basics of the site and see how everything rolls together. Another interesting thing to look at would be to see if Microsoft is going to be giving us webmasters out there some good analytics tools like Google Analytics in order to hook us into using their service a little more often. It could change the definition of what is put down on this study, for sure. So Steve B. if you are reading this then feel free to drop me a line with the secret squirrel society link to your new search engine and I will take a lookee see and give you all the advice that you could possibly want.

Updated: It would be interesting if I could get someone to send me a photo of the mysterious June 2nd countdown clock at Microsoft. If anyone want to send me one feel free.

Updated: Well, Bloomberg is saying that Stevo will be unveiling it next week. Let’s see if they make the mark and can give google a little run for their money.
