August Webcast: Overview of Entity Framework 4.0 !

Thanks to everyone for attending last month’s webcast on Reporting Services 2008 R2. Responses were great and barring a few minor technical glitches went well for our first one.

Now it is time for #2 and we will be looking at the Entity Framework 4.0 and I will be demoing a lot of cool features that you can use to take your app dev projects to another level. It’s also a good primer for some of the DBAs/Devs out there that may be working with this in the future( rumor bug has it that MSFT is integrating it into SSRS and SQL Server….very interesting!).

So here are the details!


******* FORGOT TO MENTION !!!!!!  **********

We will be giving away a $50.00 Amazon gift certificate

to a lucky attendee whom also fill out the post session feedback!

Impress your friends and colleagues when you win!


Presented by:
Arie "AJ" Jones

With the recent release of Visual Studio 4.0, Microsoft has released their next iteration of the Entity Framework. For those of you whom have held off learning the new platform, now is the time to jump in. This version of the EF has tons of new features that developers have been clamoring for since the 1.0 release. We’ll cover things like: development approaches (code-first, model-first, database first), T4 code generation, persistence ignorance, lazy loading, and much more! Join us to see what you have been missing out on!


August 24, 2010


11:00am EST
Register Today!

If you know someone who may be interested
in attending this webinar, please…………